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New Website Approach Means More Dollars and Time to Fulfill Mission 


For most non-profit organizations, having the time, people, and money that it takes to run a high-performing website can eat away at valuable dollars and resources — which ultimately was working against the primary mission of Goodwill of North Georgia. The site was generating a lot of traffic, but it wasn’t providing the value that visitors were looking for. 

Strategic Approach

Rather than simply refreshing website visuals and a few copy points, Brunner took a holistic view of the website and found many opportunities for automation, efficiency, and better integration. A revamped content management system approach gave GNG the control and ability to update the site without developers or any outside support. The automation of key areas of the website — such as real-time event content — has allowed GNG to spend less time on maintaining its website and more time on driving their mission. 


Big increases in engagement and repeat visitors.


Increase in average user session duration


Increase in repeat visitors

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